LG Stories | Dave Hoy
The first thing you notice about Technical Team Agronomist Dave Hoy is his striking white cowboy hat.
“When you’re unique, in any way, people notice you,” says Dave. “I try to come up with unique ways to do my job as an agronomist in order to be a better resource for our customers.”
Follow along with Dave Hoy as he checks roots and imparts wisdom in early July 2018.
“There’s always something I want to look at. If I’m not looking at plots or taking service calls from customers, I’m still wanting to go out and look at stuff.”
And ‘look at stuff’ we did. Dave carefully dug up soybean and corn plants to investigate the condition of their roots. He sprayed the roots clean of soil, explained what he was seeing, then arranged the roots on a whiteboard. After scribbling the planting date, hybrid and notes on the board, he stepped back and snapped a picture. The reason for all this? Twitter.
“Twitter has great reach,” says Dave. “I love using it to promote agronomy and LG Seeds. I just want to help elevate people’s agronomic knowledge.”
TTA’s are regarded as agronomic experts for their region. However, what happens when they don’t know the answer right away?
“If I don’t know – I find out. Just admitting that to a customer, and taking the time to find the right answer, is important. I’ll stay in touch with them periodically while working through the problem to let them know that I’m still thinking of them.”
“My favorite thing to do is call up a customer and invite them to go walk a great field with me,” says Dave. “Too many times, agronomists get associated with problems. We have to balance the bad with the good. It’s great to show success in the field.”
“The more work the agronomist puts into personal touches like this, the more valuable and credible they will be for their teams and customers.”
While the first thing you notice about Dave Hoy may be his cowboy hat, the second thing you should notice is his passion for his job as an LG Seeds TTA. Want to hear more from Dave? He’s always tweeting! Go follow him on Twitter at @davehoy.
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