Terms and Conditions of Sale →Excellence Through Stewardship →
Product Use Restrictions →
(as of July 2024)
Under the seed laws of several states, arbitration, mediation or conciliation is required as a prerequisite to maintaining legal action based upon the failure of seed to which this notice is attached to produce as represented. The consumer shall file
a complaint (sworn for AR, FL, ID, IN, MS, MT, SC, TX, WA) (verified for in CO, IL) (signed only for CA, GA), along with the required filing fee (where applicable) with the Commissioner/Director/Secretary of Agriculture, Seed Commissioner, or Chief
Agricultural Officer within such time as to permit inspection of the crops or plants by the state’s designated agency and LG SEEDS, or within the period required by state law. A copy of the complaint shall be sent to LG SEEDS by certified or
registered mail or as otherwise provided by law.
LG SEEDS reserves the right to substitute product at its discretion for any reason, including but not limited to crop or product shortages. If the buyer rejects the substitute product, the buyer’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the cancellation of its order. Prices and hybrids are subject to change at any time. The price shall be the price set out in LG SEEDS’ current published price list for the upcoming crop year, less any applicable programs or discounts offered in writing by LG SEEDS. Programs and discounts may be modified from time to time without prior notice.
By purchasing seed products of LG SEEDS, the buyer understands that such products are for planting in the year of the purchase and that LG SEEDS has the obligation to pay royalties to trait providers for the products containing specific traits based on
each grower’s agronomic zone. Buyer agrees to report the agronomic zone of each grower who will plant such traited products (including that of the buyer if he is a grower) to LG SEEDS. Such agronomic zones are defined and assigned by each of
the trait providers at their sole discretion, and may be different from one provider to another. At any time, should LG SEEDS become aware that the seed product was invoiced for an in- correct agronomic zone or planting year, LG SEEDS will adjust the invoice to reflect the correct price. In such event, either LG SEEDS will promptly issue a refund, or the buyer will pay the corrected amount remaining owed to LG SEEDS.
LG SEEDS warrants that the seeds in the container are as described on the tag, subject to tolerances established by law. THE FOREGOING EXPRESS WARRANTY EXCLUDES ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND THE
or sold by LG SEEDS is free of genetically modified organisms (“GMO”), nor does LG SEEDS warrant that genetically modified seed produced or sold by LG SEEDS is free of unintentional GMO for any reason, (including but not limited to adventitious
pollen contamination due to pollen drift caused by wind and/or insects). LG SEEDS specifically disclaims any warranty as to complete freedom of GMO for conventional seed produced or sold by LG SEEDS and LG SEEDS specifically disclaims any warranty
as to complete freedom of unintentional GMO for genetically modified seed produced or sold by LG SEEDS. By acceptance and use of the seed, buyer agrees that LG SEEDS’ liability and the buyer’s exclusive remedy for breach of any warranty
or other reason (if any) shall be limited, in all events, to a return of the purchase price of the affected seed, and in no event shall LG SEEDS be liable for any indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages (including damages for loss of
business, loss of profits, or any similar loss) whether based on breach of contract, breach of warranty, tort (including negligence), product liability, or otherwise, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. All claims must be presented
within a reasonable period of time and not later than thirty (30) days after discovery. Crop yields and quality are influenced by many causes and conditions beyond LG SEEDS’ control that LG SEEDS does not warrant yield or quality. Further, any
recommendations given for selection or use of LG SEEDS’ products are based upon LG SEEDS’ best knowledge and for informational purposes only, and LG SEEDS does not warrant the results to be obtained with such recommendations. Unless accepted
on the foregoing terms, buyer shall return the seed in the original unopened container within 15 days of purchase for a refund of the purchase price.
LG SEEDS reserves, and the buyer grants to LG SEEDS, a security interest in any and all delivered products in the inventory of the buyer and in all accounts receivable of the buyer arising from the sale of the LG SEEDS products, until full payment to
LG SEEDS. Buyer agrees to execute such documents as LG SEEDS may request in order to perfect LG SEEDS’ security interest.
LG SEEDS and buyer agree that any overpayment (i.e., credit balance) made during the planting year will automatically rollover to the following year as an advance payment against subsequent purchases unless buyer notifies LG SEEDS that it would like a
refund within 30 days after settlement. This does not limit the buyer’s ability to specifically request a refund of an overpayment at any time. Note that payment of an early refund may impact other items, including early payment discounts and
credits or qualification for various other programs or discounts offered by LG SEEDS. Notwithstanding the above, the buyer acknowledges and agrees that LG SEEDS may, in its sole discretion, apply any credit balance or payment that LG SEEDS receives
from the buyer (directly or from a third party for the buyer’s account) to any past-due account that the buyer may have with AgReliant Genetics, LLC. A late payment charge of 1.5% per month (18% per annum), or the maximum lower rate allowed
by law, will be added to all accounts not paid in full by the due date of payment, and for each month thereafter on the unpaid amount until paid in full. The buyer also agrees to bear any and all expenses related to the collection of any accounts
deemed past due by LG SEEDS, including without limitation attorney fees and court costs.
Sale of this seed is allowed only in the U.S. and through LG SEEDS’ authorized dealers and distributors and buyer may not re-sell the seed unless otherwise agreed to in writing by LG SEEDS. One or more of the parental lines used to produce this seed is/are proprietary to or licensed to LG SEEDS. Further, the traits and technology contained within this seed, as well as the parental lines and progeny, are covered by intellectual property protection, which may include plant variety certificates, trade secrets and patents which may include, but are not limited to, patented germplasm, transgenic traits, native traits, transformation technologies, methods of use and breeding methods. LG SEEDS grants to buyer a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use the seed for the sole purpose of growing a single commercial crop for the production of grain or forage for feeding or processing. Farm-seed saving is strictly forbidden and shall constitute a misappropriation of third party’s intellectual property, and therefore a breach of their legitimate rights and damage to said third party’s legitimate expectation of future sales. The purchase/bailment/transfer of this seed conveys no right under any intellectual property to use the seed for any purpose. Buyer agrees that it is not acquiring any rights to use the seed or any parental line(s) that may be unintentionally contained herein for any purpose other than the growing of a single commercial crop for the production of grain or forage for feeding or processing. Buyer shall not reproduce or transfer said seed or parental line(s), nor subject them (nor their pollen or any other plant part) to any breeding, research, field or laboratory analysis, development, biotechnology process, or any other variety improvement purposes or genetic manipulation techniques, including (but not limited to) tissue culture, genetic fingerprinting or transformation techniques, sequencing, use of molecular markers or mutagenesis. The parental line(s) may also be protected under trade secret laws. Buyer further agrees that under these trade secret rights, any parental seed and the genetic material contained herein is confidential and must be maintained in confidence. Export of the seed and parental line(s) is prohibited. Further, the buyer shall ensure that any crop or material produced from this seed shall only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted. All pesticides used must be used according to label specifications and regulatory requirements. FOR TRAITED SEED, ACCEPTANCE OF TRAIT PROVIDERS’ TECHNOLOGY AGREEMENTS IS REQUIRED AS A CONDITION OF SALE AND BUYER AGREES TO COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE PRODUCT USE GUIDES AND GROWER-FOCUSED STEWARDSHIP PRACTICES. Buyer consents to LG SEEDS providing to trait providers, or their designees, its contact details for stewardship compliance and marketing purposes. Buyer also consents to LG SEEDS providing to financial institutions, or their designees, its contact details for soft credit checks and for marketing or promotional purposes
Stewardship Policy
Last modified: August 2021
AgReliant Genetics, LLC d/b/a LG Seeds (“Company” or “We”) promotes the importance of proper seed and trait stewardship. We maintain a stewardship policy, which is communicated to Company employees
and dealers who manage seed and customer seed sales. We have successfully completed current Excellence Through Stewardship® audit requirements for our representative North American operations and have in place stewardship programs and quality
management systems consistent with the Excellence Through Stewardship® program.
Dealers are required to abide by, and shall use reasonable commercial efforts to require growers to abide by, any stewardship and/or product use requirements
pertaining to LG Seeds products. Dealers should make reasonable efforts to send stewardship communications and training materials to growers and educate and provide guidance to growers on proper stewardship requirements.
The use of traited seed may be contingent upon the signature of technology use agreements by the grower depending on the requirements of trait providers. Growers must sign technology use agreements to cover all traits before obtaining, planting, or growing
seed. If you have questions, contact your local LG Seeds sales representative.
When collecting information from the grower, the Company sales representative or dealer (as applicable) shall request the grower technology numbers. If the
grower does not have a grower technology number required by the applicable trait provider, such traited seed shall not be transferred to the grower until the grower is properly licensed and supplies the technology number to the Company sales representative
or dealer.
When a copy of the grower technology license agreement is provided by an employee of the Company or a dealer to the grower, a copy of the signed agreement shall be returned to the Company and retained in the customer’s
permanent file. Employees of the Company shall not sign a grower technology license agreement on a grower’s behalf. The dealer and its employees shall not sign a grower technology license agreement on a grower’s behalf, except for the
dealer may sign if the dealer is also a grower.
Bayer Technology/Stewardship Agreement
- All corn, soybean, and alfalfa seed containing Bayer technologies may ONLY be sold to growers who (a) hold a Bayer Technology/Stewardship Agreement that has been accepted by Bayer and (b) are in good standing with Bayer.
- Dealers should regularly check the “Grower License Lookup” and the “Unauthorized Grower List” posted on corn-states.com, as this list can change daily. If a grower is not yet licensed, the dealer should assist the grower by encouraging them to register at www.AgCelerate.com or call 1-800-ROUNDUP (1-800-768-6387) Option#3 to obtain a license. They may continue to visit www.corn-states.com for license status inquiries.
- Dealers should stock and provide to growers a Bayer Technology Use Guide if they have not previously received one.
Corteva Agriscience Technology Use Agreement
- All soybean seed containing Corteva Agriscience technologies may ONLY be sold to growers who (a) hold a Corteva Agriscience Technology Use Agreement that has been accepted by Corteva Agriscience and (b) are in good standing with Corteva Agriscience.
- If a grower is not yet licensed, the dealer should assist the grower by encouraging them to register at www.AgCelerate.com or call 1-866-784-4630 to obtain a license.
- Full trait stewardship terms can be accessed at https://www.corteva.us/Resources/trait-stewardship.html.
BASF Grower Technology Agreement
- All soybean seed containing the LibertyLink® trait may ONLY be sold to growers who (a) hold a BASF Grower Technology Agreement that has been accepted by BASF and (b) are in good standing with BASF.
- If a grower is not yet licensed, the dealer should assist the grower by encouraging them to register at www.AgCelerate.com or call 1-866-784-4630 to obtain a license.
Syngenta Seeds, Inc. Stewardship Agreement
- All corn and soybean seed containing Syngenta technologies may ONLY be sold to growers who (a) hold a Syngenta Stewardship Agreement that has been accepted by Syngenta and (b) are in good standing with Syngenta.
- If a grower is not yet licensed, the dealer should assist the grower by encouraging them to register at www.AgCelerate.com, call 1-866-784-4630, or visit the Syngenta website to obtain a license. For more information call the Syngenta Customer Resource Center at: 1-877-GRO-CORN (1-877-476-2676).
GROWER POINT OF SALES (GPOS) Technology Reporting
The reporting of accurate grower points of sales (GPOS) information is critical to the Company’s stewardship of new technologies. This information is required for products
containing technologies from Bayer, BASF, Corteva Agriscience, Forage Genetics, and Syngenta, and may be required by other trait suppliers.
Dealers should proactively remind growers that seed containing a patented trait can only be used to plant a single commercial crop from which seed cannot be saved and replanted.
Additional information and limitations on the use of such products are provided in the Bayer Technology Stewardship Agreement, the Corteva Agriscience Technology Use Agreement, the BASF Grower Technology Agreement, the Syngenta Stewardship Agreement,
and the applicable Product Use Guides.
Any crop or material produced from biotechnology-derived plant products can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted.
It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position
for such crop or material. Dealers should encourage growers to consult http://www.ncga.com/know-you-grow (Know Before you Grow) for the approval status of biotech corn traits.
Dealers should proactively remind users that Insect Resistance Management is a requirement when purchasing insect-protected crops by conveying the following message:
opening a bag of seed, be sure to read and understand the stewardship requirements, including applicable refuge requirements for insect resistance management, for the biotechnology traits expressed in the seed as set forth in the technology agreements
that you sign. By opening and using a bag of seed, you are reaffirming your obligation to comply with those stewardship requirements.
- Company employees and dealers are not to overlook seed piracy.
- Company employees and dealers are NOT to participate in seed piracy acts or cover-ups.
- Company employees and dealers should use seed piracy literature to educate customers about the benefits of new seed and risks associated with seed piracy.
- For Bayer technologies, report Seed Piracy issues anonymously to 1-800-ROUNDUP (1-800-768-6387).
- For other technologies, call 1-844-SEED-TIP to anonymously report suspected seed IP violations.
Soybean Seed Piracy Statement: Roundup Ready 2 Yield® soybeans, Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybeans, and XtendFlex® soybeans
Seed containing a patented trait can only be used to plant a single commercial crop. It is unlawful to save and replant Roundup Ready 2 Yield® soybeans, Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybeans, and XtendFlex® soybeans. Additional information and limitations on the use of these products are provided in the Technology Stewardship Agreement and the Bayer Technology Use Guide: tug.bayer.com. U.S. patents for Bayer technologies can be found at the following webpage: cs.bayerpatents.bayer.com
Product Use Restrictions
All orders and sales are subject to the LG Seeds Terms and Conditions of Sale, which include but are not limited to the Limitation of Warranty & Remedy and Agronomic Zone and Planting Year. The Terms and Conditions of Sale are subject to change from time to time without prior notice. Refer to http://www.lgseeds.com/legal for the most up to date Terms and Conditions of Sale.
Refer to http://www.lgseeds.com/legal for the most up to date Terms and Conditions of Sale.
Bayer is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS). Bayer products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in compliance with Bayer’s Policy for Commercialization of Biotechnology-Derived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. Commercialized products have been approved for import into key export markets with functioning regulatory systems. Any crop or material produced from this product can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position for this product. Excellence Through Stewardship® is a registered trademark of Excellence Through Stewardship.
ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. It is a violation of federal and state law to use any pesticide product other than in accordance with its labeling. NOT ALL formulations of dicamba or glyphosate are approved for in-crop use with Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybeans. NOT ALL formulations of dicamba, glyphosate or glufosinate are approved for in-crop use with products with XtendFlex® Technology. ONLY USE FORMULATIONS THAT ARE SPECIFICALLY LABELED FOR SUCH USES AND APPROVED FOR SUCH USE IN THE STATE OF APPLICATION. Contact the U.S. EPA and your state pesticide regulatory agency with any questions about the approval status of dicamba herbicide products for in-crop use with Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybeans or products with XtendFlex® Technology.
B.t. products may not yet be registered in all states. Check with your seed brand representative for the registration status in your state.
IMPORTANT IRM INFORMATION: RIB Complete® corn blend products do not require the planting of a structured refuge except in the Cotton-Growing Area where corn earworm is a significant pest. See the IRM/Grower Guide for additional information. Always read and follow IRM requirements.
Important: Always read and follow label and bag tag instructions; only those labeled as tolerant to glufosinate may be sprayed with glufosinate ammonium based herbicides.
Roundup Ready® 2 Technology contains genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate. Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybeans contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate and dicamba. Products with XtendFlex® Technology contains genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, glufosinate and dicamba. Glyphosate will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. Dicamba will kill crops that are not tolerant to dicamba. Glufosinate will kill crops that are not tolerant to glufosinate. Contact your seed brand dealer or refer to the Bayer Technology Use Guide for recommended weed control programs.
Seed products with the LibertyLink® (LL) trait are resistant to the herbicide glufosinate ammonium, an alternative to glyphosate in corn, and combine high-yielding genetics with the powerful, non-selective, postemergent weed control of Liberty® herbicide for optimum yield and excellent weed control.
Agrisure® Technology incorporated into these seeds is commercialized under license from Syngenta Seeds, Inc. Herculex® YieldGard Logos Technology incorporated into these seeds is commercialized under license from Dow AgroSciences LLC.
More information about Agrisure Duracade® is available at: http://www.biotradestatus.com/.
Due to the unique cropping practices do not plant Roundup Ready® Alfalfa in Imperial County, California, pending import approvals and until Forage Genetics International, LLC (FGI) grants express permission for such planting.
In the following states, purchase and use of HarvXtra® Alfalfa with Roundup Ready® Technology is subject to a Seed and Feed Use Agreement, requiring that products of this technology can only be used on farm or otherwise be used in the United States: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. In addition, due to the unique cropping practices do not plant HarvXtra® Alfalfa with Roundup Ready® Technology in Imperial County, California, pending import approval and until Forage Genetics International, LLC (FGI) grants express permission for such planting.
Forage Genetics International, LLC (“FGI”) is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS). FGI products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in compliance with FGI’s Policy for Commercialization of Biotechnology-Derived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. HarvXtra® Alfalfa with Roundup Ready® Technology and Roundup Ready® Alfalfa have pending import approvals. GROWERS MUST DIRECT ANY PRODUCT PRODUCED FROM HARVXTRA® ALFALFA WITH ROUNDUP READY® TECHNOLOGY SEED OR CROPS(INCLUDING HAY AND HAY PRODUCTS) ONLY TO UNITED STATES DOMESTIC USE. Any crop or material produced from this product can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position for this product. Growers should refer to http:// www.biotradestatus.com/ for any updated information on import country approvals. Excellence Through Stewardship® is a registered trademark of Excellence Through Stewardship.
ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Ready® crops contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate.Glyphosate
herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate.
Seeds containing the Enlist, Herculex and PowerCore traits are protected under numerous US patents. Seeds containing patented traits can only be used to plant a single commercial crop and cannot be saved or replanted. You acknowledge and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the following documents in effect at the time of planting of this seed: (i) the Technology Use Agreement and (ii) the Product Use Guides for all technologies in this seed, including the Herbicide Resistance Management (HRM), and Use requirements detailed therein(www.corteva.us/Resources/trait-stewardship.html).
To plant Enlist, Herculex and PowerCore seed, you must have a limited license from Corteva Agriscience (or other appropriate affiliates). In consideration of the foregoing, Corteva Agriscience grants to the Grower the limited license to use its technology to produce only a single commercial crop in the United States under the terms and conditions set forth in the Technology Use Agreement in effect at the time of planting of this seed.
Always read and follow herbicide label directions prior to use: Enlist® products contain the Enlist trait that provides crop safety for use of labeled over-the-top applications of glyphosate, glufosinateand 2,4-D herbicides featuring Colex-D® technology when applied according to label directions. Following burndown, the only 2,4-D containing herbicide products that may be used with Enlist® crops are products that feature Colex-D technology and are expressly labeled for use on Enlist crops. 2,4-D products that do not contain Colex-D technology are not authorized for use in conjunction with Enlist products. Assure II herbicide is currently the only FOP herbicide for in-crop use with Enlist corn.
Enlist E3® soybean seeds containing the Enlist® trait can only be used to plant a single commercial crop. It is unlawful to save and replant Enlist E3® soybeans. Additional information and limitations on the use of these products are provided in the Corteva Agriscience Technology Use Agreement and Enlist® Soybean Product Use Guide. U.S. patents for Dow AgroSciences technologies can be found at the following webpage: www.corteva.us/Resources/trait-stewardship.html.
Dow AgroSciences is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS). Dow AgroSciences products are commercialized in accordance with ETS product launch stewardship guidance and Dow AgroSciences Product Launch Stewardship Policy. No crop or material produced from this product can be exported to, used, processed or sold across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position for this product. For further information about your crop or grain marketing options, contact DAS at 877-4-TRAITS (877-487-2487). Information regarding the regulatory and market status of agricultural biotechnology products can be found at: www.biotradestatus.com.
AgReliant Genetics®, the AgReliant Genetics Design®, Advantage Acre®, AgriShield®, Golden Acres®, Golden Acres Genetics®, the LG Seeds Design®, We Mean Business® are trademarks of AgReliant Genetics, LLC. Acceleron®, DroughtGard®, RIB Complete®, Roundup Ready 2 Technology and Design™, Roundup Ready 2 Xtend®, Roundup Ready 2 Yield®, Roundup Ready®, SmartStax®, Trecepta®, VT Double PRO®, YieldGard VT Pro® and XtendFlex® are trademarks of Bayer Group. PowerCore multi-event technology developed by Corteva Agriscience and Monsanto. PowerCore is a registered trademark of Monsanto Technology LLC. Insect control technology provided by Vip3A is utilized under license from Syngenta Crop Protection AG. Agrisure®, Agrisure Artesian®, Artesian™, Agrisure Duracade®, Agrisure Viptera®, Catalyst® and E-Z Refuge® are trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company. HarvXtra® is a registered trademark of Forage Genetics International, LLC. HarvXtra® Alfalfa with Roundup Ready® Technology is enabled with Technology from The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Inc. The transgenic soybeans event in Enlist E3® soybeans is jointly developed and owned by Dow AgroSciences LLC and M.S. Technologies, L.L.C. Enlist®, Enlist E3®, the Enlist E3 logo™, and Colex-D® are trademarks of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow. HERCULEX®, the HERCULEX Shield, Hi-Gest®, StandFast®, are trademarks of Dow AgroSciences, LLC. Clearfeld®, Liberty®, LibertyLink® and the Water Droplet Design® are trademarks of BASF. Respect the Refuge and Corn Design® and Respect the Refuge® are registered trademarks of National Corn Growers Association. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
©2021 AgReliant Genetics, LLC