LG Stories | Scott Dugan
This year, six legacy seed brands joined together to form the new LG Seeds. For Technical Team Agronomist Scott Dugan, this change allows him to make more permanent connections with the customers he serves.
“The change allowed me to scale back to a smaller region,” says Scott. “Some TTA’s still cover very large areas, but LG Seeds is working to bring on more technical experience in those regions. I am grateful because I have less windshield time and more personal face-to-face time with my SAM’s, dealers, and growers.”

“Many times, agronomists were just traveling across their large regions putting out ‘fires’,” says Scott, referring to emergency agronomic issues. “Now, we’ll be able to get there before the emergency call even happens. Our customers will be able to get both the technical support and a friendly approach since we will be able to have more contact with them.”

On this day, Scott responded to a service call about a bean field near Kearney, NE that seemed to be under-performing. While he may have been ‘putting out a fire’, Scott was still able to spend over an hour walking the field with the grower, taking soil samples, digging up plants, and explaining the issue. Once he gets results from the soil samples, he plans on following up with the grower to review the possible solutions.

“I want to develop a permanent connection with each customer in my territory,” says Scott. “This change is allowing me to do just that.”

Do you know the TTA in your area? Contact your SAM to help get you in touch.
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