28 Aug 2019
man in field evaluating corn

New Corn Products for 2020 Planting

LG Seeds is excited to announce new corn products that will be available in 2019-2020 for planting in the spring of 2020. More information can be found at or by contacting a member of the LG Seeds Sales Team for your area.

LG38C47(88 days – VT Double Pro® RIB Complete® Corn) LG38C47 shows very consistent performance with good overall agronomic performance. Broadly adapted in western and central environments in its maturity zone. Plants produce a long semi-flex ear with an open husk and have excellent stalks, roots and late season plant health. Excellent Goss's Wilt tolerance.

LG51C48 (101 days – SmartStax® RIB Complete® Corn, VT Double PRO® RIB Complete® Corn) With reliable performance, LG51C48 produces medium tall plants with girthy ears and an open husk.  Dark green uniform plants with consistent ears down the row. Good ear flex can tolerate a range of populations and in high yield environments it can benefit from in-season nitrogen applications. Monitor for fungicide use under high foliar disease pressure. Very strong stalks, roots and good greensnap tolerance. Overall strong health package with good ratings for Tar Spot and NCLB. Broadly adapted with excellent stress tolerance and strong performance in central and eastern areas. 

LG54C04 (104 days – Conventional) LG54C04 features strong agronomics, healthy disease tolerances and wide adaption east to west. Will provide stable performance as a Conventional product. Recommend scouting before using a fungicide. Showy, attractive look with good ear size and quality grain. Very stable performance across a broad range of management and soil types. Silage proven, can be used as a dual-purpose product — grain or silage.

LG57C33 (107 days – SmartStax® RIB Complete® Corn) LG57C33 produces large, consistent, well-filled ears with good drydown. The plant has good lodging resistance and good late season appearance. Conveys very good tolerance to Anthracnose Stalk Rot. High yield potential and good stress tolerance allow this product to be planted on a variety of acres. Large ears have husks that flare open for fast drydown which can lead to an early harvest. Very broadly adapted across the Corn Belt east-west with good northern adaptation. Fungicides will likely be beneficial in high disease environments.

LG59C72 (109 day – VT Double PRO® RIB Complete® Corn, VT Double PRO® Corn) LG59C72 has a high yield advantage over other products in this maturity.  A complete package of high performance, agronomics and disease tolerance. Top yields at lower moistures will create fast drydown and aid in early harvest. Medium ear size, having a good response to moderately high population and fertility inputs. High tolerance to heat. Scouting before fungicide application is recommended.

LG60C33 (110 days – VT Double PRO® RIB Complete® Corn, VT Double PRO® Corn) LG60C33 exhibits exceptional stalk and root strength in combination with very high yield potential and a robust health profile. A key hybrid from east to west. Healthy plants will show good response to in-season applications of nitrogen. Enhanced return on your seed investment from LG60C33’s reliable top performance. Widely adapted with best performance in its adapted maturity and north as a full season hybrid. Optimum performance under high management and population. Use a fungicide only after scouting for need, as this is a very healthy hybrid.

LG62C35 (112 days – VT Double PRO® RIB Complete® Corn, VT Double PRO® Corn) LG62C35 has very high yield potential with healthy plants and a standout season-long great look. This hybrid is a first choice for maximum yield and stable performance over a wide range of environments. Strong emergence and plant vigor allow for early planting. Healthy plants will benefit from in-season sidedress nitrogen applications. Fungicide applications should be infrequent and in combination with a field scouting program.

LG66C28 (116 days – Agrisure Viptera® 3110, Conventional) LG66C28 is a full season corn product with the high performing Agrisure Viptera® trait.  Girthy ears with excellent tip fill that can be used in both dryland and irrigated environments. 3110 provides exceptional control of corn earworm and fall armyworm. High grain quality and good test weight and has the potential for food grade corn in some markets. Excellent late season plant intactness; very good stalk and root strength. 3110 requires a 20% structured refuge. Fungicide applications should be infrequent and in combination with a field scouting program. Silage proven, can be used as a dual-purpose product — grain or silage.

LG67C45 ( 117 days – SmartStax® RIB Complete® Corn, SmartStax® Corn) LG67C45 is a full season corn product with high yields across the Southern U.S. High grain quality and very good test weight gives this product potential for food grade corn in some markets. Excellent top end yield level with good plant health with very good early plant vigor and overall very good disease ratings. Good husk cover on a semi-flex ear.

Download a copy of this technical bulletin here: New Corn Products for 2020