Reliable Reminders: Tips for a Successful #Plant2023
The moment we’ve all been waiting for will be here soon.
#Plant2023 is right around the corner, and as your reliable partner in the field, LG Seeds will be by your side—no nonsense, no excuses.
We are committed to your success, and that’s why we’ve compiled a quick list of reminders to help you reap maximum benefits this planting season.
Have a Plan and Be Ready to Roll
Complete the final items on your planter maintenance checklist and have a game plan:
What fields do you expect to plant first? Which ones can wait? What’s your backup plan for when weather conditions merit a change? Have your ducks (or corn) in a row and be ready to roll out.
Check the Weather
Planting right after or right before an expected monsoon isn’t a great idea. Muddy planting conditions, crusted soil, and seed washing down the creek might be in your future if you don’t check the forecast. Find a proper precipitation window, and while you’re at it, keep an eye on the temperature—planting into soils below 50ºF can cause germination problems down the road.
Plant When Soil Conditions are Right
Speaking of soil moisture and temperatures, it’s best to wait for the proper conditions. Attempting to “mud it in” when the calendar says you’re running behind will only create more problems. Soil may compact, and that can lead to hard pans and root lodging. Sometimes, patience is key.
Sweat the Small Stuff
Those nitty gritty planting details are important—give them the attention they deserve. Research shows that placing corn and soybean seed 1.5 to 2 inches deep is typically best. But be sure to check with your LG Seeds agronomist, who can help you make the best choice for your farm about planting depth. They can also help you determine optimal seeding rates and row spacing.
Evaluate Disease Risk
Planting early clearly has major benefits, but cool and moist soil conditions can cause unwanted issues. What disease pressures are present in your fields? Based on farm history, what problems may occur later in the growing season? Work with your LG Seeds agronomist to ensure you’ve selected the best hybrids/varieties, seed treatments, and disease control methods.
Consider Input Costs
Before you drop your planter into the ground, get a sense of what your crop will need to be successful. Utilize your soil sample data and make some decisions up front. Will you need a starter fertilizer? What will you need to apply after planting? Make a plan and make it happen.
Protect Your Investment
Finally, be sure to consider all these factors holistically and predict what #plant2023 and beyond will look like for you. You’ve put a lot of time, effort, and money into this moment, so plan ahead and get your in-season management plan up and running soon.
LG Seeds is committed to your success, season after season. Reach out to your LG Seeds agronomist today, and let us help you maximize your yields and make #plant2023 the best season yet.
Agronomy Team