Soybean Traits: A Key Decision in 2021
A key decision farmers will make over the winter is the weed control package they will use in their fields next season. Soybean farmers have more choices than ever before when it comes to available trait packages and their associated herbicide programs. With the European Union approval of the XtendFlex® soybean trait and the EPA approval of in-season Dicamba herbicides this fall, farmers will be able to fully utilize this industry leading system.
LG Seeds has had a very strong Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybean lineup for the last several years, and we are excited to now also offer XtendFlex soybeans with our initial 2021 launch of 14 new varieties from 0.7 – 4.8 maturity. Farmers familiar with the Roundup Ready 2 Xtend system will appreciate the POST flexibility that Glufosinate tolerance adds to the XtendFlex system for increased control of resistant weeds and reduced application risk.
New XtendFlex release at a 0.7 maturity but can lean a little earlier. This variety shows very good emergence in the spring and carries decent stress tolerance. Above Average IDC and SWM will allow this to be placed on a variety of acres. 2020 observations showed that the plant height was a Medium Tall, with Medium width. Good Phytophthora tolerance was also observed in 2020 production fields as this variety is Heterozygous for Rps3a. 2020 production field observations did show some slight leaning during summer, but once the leaves dropped the plants straightened right back up and farmers said it combined very nice. Very good yields were seen in production fields also in 2020, with many coming in well above target.
New XtendFlex release at a 1.3 maturity. This bean showed good emergence in the spring and brings Very Good Stress tolerance. 2020 production field observations showed that plant height did shorten up on coarser soil types, but yields did not fall off, so this should be a great fit for lighter, more drought stressed acres. 2020 observations showed a Medium Tall plant with good lateral branching and Very Good Standability. SWM is average, so avoid fields known to have high SWM pressure, and lowering populations is recommended with this variety.
New XtendFlex release at a 1.4 maturity but can lean a little earlier. This variety shows Very Good Emergence and Standability. Average for Stress, although 2020 seed production observations showed Above Average stress tolerance. Very Good Phytophthora tolerance with Rps3a gene, along with Heterozygous for 1c. A Medium plant height and slightly thinner variety, but it filled the row well in Seed Production fields on 30-inch rows. This variety will be better on SWM than LGS1321XF, but we did see some pockets show up in Seed Production fields. Above average for IDC, and very consistent across different environments, which we also saw in production fields.
New XtendFlex release at a 1.7 maturity. This variety has a nice, attractive look in the field with a Medium Tall, Medium bush stature. This variety shows improved yield in those high yield environments, and 2020 seed production data supported this. Very good emergence and standability with this variety, with average IDC and SWM. Use caution with this in fields with high SWM pressure, other options would be better.
New XtendFlex release at a 2.0 maturity. This variety shows medium height, and more of a medium bush width to it. Very good emergence and standability with this variety. This variety has a solid agronomic package with it, with good stress, Phytophthora and SWM tolerance. This variety also has above average IDC scores, allowing this to be placed on a broad range of acres. This variety really excelled when placed in High Yield environments, with 2020 production yields coming in well above target.
This bean is a 2.2 maturity that has had two years of leading yield performance from East to West in its maturity band. It is a taller line that will have to be managed for standability on productive soils. It has excellent emergence and early vigor and is well adapted to No-Till. It carries the Rps1c Phytophthora gene with average field tolerance. LGS2215XF has average resistance to White Mold and Sudden Death, and above average tolerance to Iron Deficiency Chlorosis. It performs like and can be placed like LGS2417RX.
This bean is a broadly adapted mid-group 2 soybean that performs well both North and South of its maturity zone. It has more of a bushy canopy with moderate height and very good standability. It carries resistance to Stem Canker and Soybean Cyst Nematode and has the Rps1c Phytophthora gene with average field tolerance. LGS2561XF has average IDC tolerance and below average SDS scores.
These are a late group 2 with very good top-end yield potential for irrigated or productive rainfed acres. It has an excellent look to it with moderate height and a medium plant style with very good standability. It has below average Phytophthora field tolerance with the Rps1c gene that can be helped with an AgriShield seed treatment. It can be placed and managed like LGS2444RX.
These are a group 3 that has a very strong defensive package and good yield performance in both 2019 and 2020. It carries Rps1k and 3a genes for Phytophthora resistance with strong field tolerance. It has good standability, very good emergence and is adapted to No-Till. It can be managed and placed like LGS2989RX, and it has above average IDC tolerance. Use Saltro seed treatments in known SDS situations to manage susceptibility.
A key product in this maturity featuring medium height plants and wide adaptation anywhere this maturity is appropriate. Yield is on par with the popular LG seeds C3550RX and the look is very similar in the field. Robust agronomics characteristics include good standability, emergence and early vigor. Resistant to soybean cyst nematode, strong phytophthora gene resistance and high field tolerance. Additionally, it carries resistance to southern stem canker, brown stem rot and slightly above average tolerance to sudden death syndrome. A very solid product for this maturity with no special management needed
Yield potential is again solid for this maturity with a soybean that can cover a lot of acres. Plants are medium tall and can be taller if growing conditions are optimal. Wide adaptation to soil types and management including early planting, no-till planting and double cropping. Resistant to southern stem canker, Rps1c PRR resistance and average field tolerance. Average sudden death rating. Beneficial management practices to optimize performance are seed treatments for early phytophthora pressure and for protection against SDS where needed. Early planting moderate’s height as will reducing seeding rates.
Yield is on the trend line for major competitive checks. Plants are medium tall to taller and this is an excellent choice for double crop and tougher conditions. Sulfonylurea herbicide tolerance enhances the double crop adaptation. Resistant to southern stem canker, strong gene resistance to PRR and average field tolerance. Rapid emergence, average standability and SDS tolerance. Management practices to optimize performance would include reduced seeding rates and early planting used as a first crop choice. Seed treatments will be beneficial for early season disease pressure and in areas of known SDS pressure
This soybean does not take a back seat to any competitor. Yield data over the past 2 years shows it outperforming the very popular LG C4845RX and it comes with the additional bonus of being both sulfonylurea (STS) and a chloride excluder for higher salt soils. Medium tall plants can lean but are very acceptable. Resistant to Southern Stem canker, strong PRR gene and good field tolerance. Suitable for first crop or double crop plantings. All in all, this is a very desirable product to have on the farm
Yield increased proportionally against the checks in the higher yield environment. Medium height with excellent standability. STS herbicide tolerance along with resistance to southern stem canker SCN and the Rps1a PRR gene. This will be an excellent choice for first crop plantings especially on the productive acre but can also be used for double cropping. Consider seed treatments for early planting seedling disease control and for known areas of high SDS risk.
Reach out to your local LG Seeds team for more information on these new XtendFlex soybeans.
Aaron Ahrenholz, CCA
Caleb Pokorny, CCA
Travis Dollarhide, CCA
Chris Sheppard, CCA