19 Apr 2019
Advantage acre

Spring 2019 Planting Considerations

AgReliant Genetics and LG Seeds are proud to equip growers with a digital ag platform called Advantage Acre®.  This platform boasts several capabilities including prescription seeding recommendations and functional soils maps, just to name a few. However, some of Advantage Acre’s biggest strengths are the field-by-field planning features.

One feature used to develop a field-by-field plan is WeatherTrends360®. Weather Trends provides an 11-month forecast with up to 84% accuracy. Seeing the weather forecast 11 months in advance gives growers and dealers an opportunity to improve product placement and timing of fertilizer and crop protection applications. Advantage Acre is a digital ag platform that provides users with access to WeatherTrends360. 

Advantage Acre TimelineAnother advantage to using the WeatherTrends360 data on your Advantage Acre timeline is the ability to see predicted planting dates.  These dates are derived from data parameters that are entered by the user to create a customized planting date recommendation.  Those parameters include Growing Degree Days (GDDs) and optimal days to emergence. WeatherTrends360 uses the information entered by the grower to calculate the optimal planting date based on the desired GDDs and days to emergence. The above screen shot shows the desired emergence parameters for a field in central Minnesota.

Advantage Acre seed planThis screen shot shows the predicted planting date, calculated from the custom parameters that were entered by the grower.  When paired with detailed weather forecasts, the predicted planting dates are especially useful for growers in the northern corn belt. The predictions allow users to look for periods of cold and wet weather that could potentially hurt emergence and stand establishment.

Advantage Acre TimelineThis screen shot shows the predicted weather for the month of May for the same field in central Minnesota.  It is cooler than average, but dry, so the risk of a cold rain that could have a chilling effect on the crop is low.

As the growing season progresses, the screen shot below show when fertilizer application and a potential fungicide application should be considered.  This information helps growers make informed management decisions in their pursuit to produce a high-yielding crop.

Advantage Acre Timeline

Advantage Acre is a valuable tool when it comes to making planting decisions in the spring. The ability to adjust desired emergence information to fit your specific area or even a specific field allows growers and dealers to create a customized plan for the planting season.

Download a copy of this technical bulletin here: Spring 2019 Planting Considerations