14 Sep 2023

Preparing Your Combine: Your Guide to Peak Performance and Successful Harvest

Harvest season has arrived, and as you and your team hit the fields to reap what you've sown, one piece of equipment takes center stage.

Your combine.

You literally can't harvest your crops without it, so having your machine in tip-top shape is kind of a big deal. If your combine isn't operating at peak performance, your efficiency tanks and your yield suffers.

As you make your final plans, here's a quick harvest season combine prep guide from your reliable partner in the field.

Pre-Trip Inspection

Before your combine rolls into the field, it needs to be in its best shape. 

First priority on the pre-trip inspection? Safety.

Farming is a dangerous job. Proper lights/signage for transport, operational safety features, a fire extinguisher and knowledge of your machine will help ensure a safe, successful harvest. 

Along with an in-depth safety check, inspect your machine from the header to the unloading auger. Look for wear and tear on belts, chains and components. Change all filters, check tires and fluid levels and make sure all moving parts are clean and lubricated.

Also, don't forget those instruments: test your yield monitor and moisture sensor to ensure you have an accurate sense of what your combine's pulling in.

Once you're ready to roll, it's time to fine-tune your machine.

Calibration and Adjustment: It's the Little and Big Things that Matter

As harvest commences, your crops and field conditions will change. You've spent an entire growing season meticulously caring for your crops in hopes of a knock-out yield. So calibrate your combine and make the appropriate adjustments to ensure you reap the ROI you've prepped for all season long. 

The big idea: calibrate for optimal performance, consider field conditions and be crop-specific. 

What's on the docket this week? Corn? Soybeans? Sorghum? Switching from crop to crop is way more involved than simply driving to the next field. Adjusting your header height and planning for unique crop residue characteristics will help you make the most of your yield. On top of that, be sure to evaluate the condition of each field.

Here are a few basic considerations:

Fan speed: Adjust the fan to optimal speed to help effectively separate the grain from chaff and debris.

Machine speed: The combine's ground speed should match the crop's yield and moisture content. Adjust your speed and maintain an even flow of grain into the machine.

Rotor and cylinder speed: Adjust the speed to thresh the crop effectively and cause minimal damage. Remember to keep it crop-specific; different crops may require different speeds.

Sieve and chaffer calibration: These work in tandem with your fan, so setting them to specifications will result in clean, high-quality grain. Make calibration a priority.

Knife and auger alignment on the header: Ensure your crop is fed smoothly into the combine.

Concave clearance: Adjust the concave clearance to match the size and type of crop being harvested—wider for small grains like wheat and sorghum, narrower for corn and soybeans.

Technology: This is big. Our Mix Matters Tool and other data tracking/planning software helps track your farm's performance and plan for the future. Work with your LG Seeds agronomist and make sure everything is working correctly.

In The Thick of It: Maintenance During Harvest

Being prepped and ready to roll is vital, but keeping things in working order during harvest can prevent costly, time-consuming breakdowns that hose your ROI.

Clean your components from field to field. Look for damaged parts or potential problems. Consult your operator's manual for maintenance tips and build a good relationship with your equipment dealer. Having someone in your corner when you need parts fast is a good idea.

One more thing: don't forget to monitor grain quality and grain loss during harvest. Identifying problems as they occur allows you to make adjustments and keep those issues isolated—not prolonged across the entire harvest period.

The Heart of the Harvest

A successful harvest relies on a combine operating at peak efficiency. Prioritizing pre-harvest preparations, making the appropriate calibrations/adjustments and maintaining your machine during harvest will help you reap the benefits of a season of hard work.

If you need any assistance during the harvest season, contact our agronomy team here at LG Seeds. Your reliable partner is always on standby, ready to assist.